I am sick! Too bad I am not in the office right now and that's the reason why I am blogging. I have colds and headache. I decided to be absent so I won't infect my office mates and be the cause of people's misery though I love to infect someone with this colds but that's just a crazy idea.
It all started yesterday when I kept on sneezing and my eyes were a little watery. Anyway I took an over-the-counter medicine from Olga, to make me feel better and after some hours I became fine. But, I felt a little sleepy even if it was non-drowsy. I asked at our front desk if they have a tablet for colds so I can take it for the next four hours. I took another dosage and it went fine but my throat became irritated. So there, if I won't get better I will be absent. And so today, I'm here in our place just listening some songs and getting a good rest.
By the way, I checked on-line about the medicine I took and it has Phenylpropanolamine and when I read through about it, it says to have caution if you've got the following: high blood pressure, toxic goiter, benign prostatic hypertrophy, heart rate irregularity, gloucoma, read more...
I think this is crazy. What? I took it already and I know that I have high blood pressure. But no need to worry because my blood pressure is already normal. The thing is, it it supposedly over-the-counter. When I did further reading, it also warned of taking in paracetamol because it might damage the liver. For these information I've read, we should go organic, period!
Anyway, the best cure for this is to take lots of fruit juices so I went to the supermarket which is just close to our condo. I bought honey dew again, grapes and pasteurized orange juice. I hope I'd get better. I'm planning to have a siesta later so I can get a good rest. Oh, I bought also some vegetables so I can cook this evening a decent soup.
In truth I don't like to be absent from work because my tasks will just be piled up, since I finished ahead of my schedule, a three-day task which I finished in a day, so it's a guilt free pass for me.
OH yes, I recently learned the same thing. In fact, I went searching for alternatives at the grocery store when DH was sick because he has high blood pressure, and no luck!! Very upsetting.
Well fruits and vegetables should be the considered. I have read a good article which might help : http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/06/30/the-11-best-foods-you-arent-eating/?ex=1230523200&en=215d547539d8dbe0&ei=5087&excamp=GGHLhealthyfoods&WT.srch=1&WT.mc_ev=click&WT.mc_id=HL-S-E-GG-NA-CT-healthy_foods
I hope you are already feeling better today.. =)
Thanks for the concern cashmere.
A common cold does get nasty , lots of fluids and yes resting and blogging is the cure. Wish u a speedy recovery.
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