Friday, March 20, 2009

I now am a stock holder

I thought that I shall never see myself staying late in the office because of work but I guess it's just an elusive dream, a figment of my imagination. Wahahaha!

A few days ago, I have been really staying late, extending my normal office hours. I thought that only my housemates were stockholders but I too has become one of them. It's just that I am the late bloomer in this scene. I still wish it's a thought but it's real. Pinch me! Right now, I have been spending an hour or more in the office to finish my tasks. And I belong, I am a stockholder too. Hope this hardwork of mine will pay off.

Reminder: One of the reasons I resigned in my previous company was the super wee hours of work because of too much tasks.

Another reminder: Accept the fact that in the IT profession, it's just the way it is. More overtime and before you can even complain, there's more. I think I really need to accept this fact.

Anyway, I love my company right now and I don't know up until when. But then, I also have to be an employee first before becoming a boss myself. So overtime, bring it on! Wahahahah joke. Well, only if needed and necessary.


Anonymous said...

Where's your EC? No more??

xgenesis007 said...

Oh thanks for calling my attention. I think I lost it when I changed my layout :D